Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Welcome: The Revolution will Decolonize!

*This is a slightly altered/edited version of a very short speech I gave at "Rise & Decolonize! Lets Get Free" event held at Westlake Park on November 18th, 2011.* 


In solidarity I will begin with a chant/poem that was recited on the streets from Tunisia to Tahir square:

Imperious despot, insolent strife
Lover of ruin, enemy of life!
You mock the anguish of an impotent land
Whose people's blood stains your tyrant hand
And desecrate the Magic of the Earth
Sowing your thorns, to bring despair to birth

With that said, I am going to simply and briefly explain the process of Decolonization as I envision it:

Decolonization is the process of transformation of the current capitalist, hetero-patriarchal, white supremacist, social, cultural, and economic construct, that has been imposed upon us from the corporate-political empire, whose heart is currently Wall St.

To truly embrace the process of Decolonization we cannot allow for co-optation by any institutions created within/by the current imperial construct, these include but are not limited to the Bi-partisan Political system and all parties involved, it also includes the non-profit industrial complex, the Corporate oligarchy, union bureaucrats and even educational institutions. These are all products of the previously mentioned imperial construct created to maintain and perpetuate the status quo. THIS CANNOT CONTINUE!!!

No longer will we stand for the powers that be to dictate how we live. This is the 1st baby step in the long march of our Freedom.

Welcome to the REVOLUTION!

Everything for Everyone
The Revolution Has just begun!

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